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Cape Sable Beaches


There is a strong tidal current here at the tip of East Cape, and the water is very shallow.
If you are paddling against the current, it can be slow going.


East Cape is a popular camping site, and the raccoons here know how to get a free lunch.
Keep all food and water in sealed, raccoon proof containers (If there is such a thing). They can chew through water containers.
Take a walk through the scrub behind the beach.
You will find the remains of many a raccoon picnic.


These are Gumbo Limbo trees, devoid of leaves in late winter and bearing small red seeds.


This is Middle Cape with East Cape in the distance. Middle Cape and Northwest Cape are large grassy areas dotted with clumps of trees and shrubs. Watch out for large areas of poison ivy at Northwest Cape.

Middle Cape 2003

Middle Cape 2003
Cabbage Palm

Northwest Cape Sable
Campsite on the beach

Middle Cape and Northwest Cape



This is the mouth of Middle Cape Canal. The current can be swift here with standing waves and whirlpools. It's hard to believe this canal was fifteen feet wide when it was dredged.


Lake Ingraham is extremely shallow. At low tide it is mostly mud flat and navagable only in the marked channel. As you can see it's only ankle deep on a tern. A nice inland route from East Cape to Northwest Cape is up East Cape Canal, through Lake Ingraham and Little Sable Creek.
There are several interconnected bays on the south side of the lake that are good for redfish.


Evening at Northwest Cape.


Northwest Cape

After hurricanes Katrina and Wilma storm surges
After hurricanes Katrina and Wilma storm surges

Panorama, Northwest Cape after Katrina and Wilma
Click picture for full size


Paddle on to

Graveyard Creek